Sunday 4 February 2018

A Switch in Time!

"Enter Professor from flying saucer with sub-atomic particle generator!"

Writer: John Freeman
Format: Comic Strip
Printed in: The Incredible Hulk Presents 6

Featuring: Seventh Doctor


The Seventh Doctor materialises inside of a television programme on a world populated by non-humanoids. The only problem is that no one has given him a script, so he keeps blowing his cues. He escapes before he gets into any real trouble for it. Still, at least two members of the Holo TV viewing audience appreciate his performance and are glad they remembered to tape the broadcast...


A Switch in Time! was a terrific little comic strip! It continued my reading of the Nemesis of the Daleks graphic novel in a great way and it really was a welcomed improvement following the pretty dismal Technical Hitch. I was a little worried that things may take a turn for the worse in this collection of stories following that poor adventure but thankfully things were right back on track here. The Seventh Doctor was still travelling alone and the characterisation was actually pretty decent here as Sylvester McCoy's likeness was well captured. His arrival at the latest destination was seemingly expected which was intriguing and my interest was immediately captured by him being addressed as the Professor. Of course, that is the infamous name that former companion Ace called him by, much to the Doctor's continued annoyance, so for that to be included was really good. He again was quick to point out that he should be called the Doctor and also that his TARDIS was no flying saucer. Thyron was confusing the Doctor with what was going on and then things soon got turned on their head with the emergence of the Gherax. This creature looked pretty dominating and monstrous and that didn't bode well at all for our Time Lord hero but little did he know what he was in for. Just at the moment it seemed like all was lost and a naturalist was going to be killed along with him, in what would be horrific circumstances, things halted and Thyron and the Gherax were both angry with the Doctor! The reasoning was wonderful. It looked like he had forgotten his lines! It was barmy but brilliant as it appeared that the TARDIS had landed within a galactic television drama. That concept is magnificent and it worked very well considering there were only five pages to play with. Thyron and the Gherax were arguing with each other over who was to blame for including a human in the drama but little did they know that the Doctor was no human. Casting a Time Lord might have been considered a real coup if they knew! Whilst they were bickering and Thyron was getting squashed, the Doctor managed to slip away and seemed quite shaken by what he had just experienced. The throwback to Remembrance of the Daleks and the inclusion of Doctor Who being watched on a television in the Doctor Who universe was terrific and really put a smile on my face. Overall, a fantastic little adventure.

Rating: 8/10

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