Monday 28 November 2016

The Eternity Trap

"This house has a long history of psychic activity."

Writer: Phil Ford
Format: TV
Broadcast: 5th-6th November 2009
Series: SJA 3.04

Featuring: Sarah Jane, Clyde, Rani


A haunted house, mysterious whispers and secrets in the shadows attract Sarah Jane's attention. When Professor Rivers and the gang investigate an old legend, a monstrous creature appears in the night. The terrifying grasp of Erasmus Darkening reaches out, from centuries past...


The Eternity Trap was a brilliant story from the Sarah Jane Adventures! I must admit I haven't been a great fan of my decision to watch the third series sporadically and I think I will be amending that viewing pattern for series four and five but for now, as a standalone and following on from my most recent viewing of Class's The Metaphysical Engine, or What Quill Did, it was interesting to see just how different these two spinoff series are. However, I won't be talking about that despite the depth I could probably go into. I must also say though that I have been quite saddened that my lengthy run of daily blogs is over but unfortunately university work has just gotten too much and that of course has to take priority. I will still be trying my best to blog as often as I can but now that the streak is over I think I will be less inclined to blog with my never ending spell of deadlines. Anyway, onto the story itself and it was certainly unique in not featuring Luke or Mr Smith who, for the first time, did not feature at all in the story. The absence of K9 was not felt as much as he only just returned to being a main character but it was certainly an intriguing dynamic to not have him. I liked the excuse for why he wasn't there and that was because he thought the whole ghost thing was ridiculous. Instead, we got to see a great development of the relationship between Clyde and Rani which I thought was great and having a whole haunted house story is something I am a fan of. I loved the episode of The Chase that was set in one and I just like it when things are strange and shouldn't happen. There was a lot that needed explaining here and Sarah Jane was determined to find out the answer. Echoing words of the Doctor, she refused to believe in an afterlife and that ghosts existed. I believe the same way but I was a fan of the ambiguity surrounding their existence as firm believers could have perhaps been offended. I thought the references to Eye of the Gorgon and The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith were excellent and I also liked that Professor Rivers returned again. She's been a great little recurring character and her relationship with Sarah Jane is wonderful to see. The legend of the house concerning Lord Marchwood and Erasmus Darkening was terrific and I liked how we got to see the moment the latter separated the former from his children. The revelation that Erasmus was actually an alien and not a ghost was good and I liked how surprised Toby was. I thought he himself was a very good character and the fact that he continued studying his passion despite his father's disapproval was brilliant. Clyde's joke about a ghoul-friend made me laugh far more than it should have and I liked how he continued to try to not act scared when around Rani. The moment they realised they were holding each other was also wonderful. More and more being revealed about the legend of the house as the story unfolded was excellent and I liked how Clyde and Rani provided the catalyst for Sarah Jane and Marchwood to rid the house of Erasmus once and for all and also save Rivers and reunited Marchwood with his children. Just when Darkening thought he'd won, Sarah Jane defeated him and I loved that. The ambiguity continued though at the end with the image of Marchwood and his children in the house. Overall, an excellent story!

Rating: 9/10

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