Monday 14 July 2014

The Lodger

"Six billion people. Watching you two at work I'm starting to wonder where they came from."

Writer: Gareth Roberts
Format: TV
Broadcast: 12th June 2010
Series: 5.11

Featuring: Eleventh Doctor, Amy


A mysterious force block the TARDIS - with Amy inside it - from landing, keeping it stuck in a materialisation loop. It's up to the Eleventh Doctor to work out what that force is, lest Amy be lost forever along with his home. As he investigates, he learns of a house on Aickman Road, with a staircase which people walk up but never come back down. To solve this mystery, the Doctor must pass himself off as a normal human and share a flat with Craig Owens. 


The Lodger is an excellent episode of Doctor Who and expertly blends humour and horror. The Doctor is absolutely brilliant in this and the brilliance of Matt Smith along with his humour, persona and quirkiness makes the relationship between him and Craig, played by the terrific James Corden, a huge highlight. Despite appearing in minimal fashion, this episode reignited my love for Amy Pond as companion! In the previous episodes before this with Rory, and the rest of Amy's episodes, she was great but I think on her own without her husband she shines. I only wish we had more episodes with Amy as sole companion, not that I don't like Rory by any means. The mystery of the flat above Craig's was excellent and very intriguing. Different shapes and forms asking people up the stairs provided tremendous suspense. The idea of a materialisation loop preventing the TARDIS from landing was very good and even better in the fact that it separated the Doctor from Amy providing marvellous humour. The communication between the pair was lovely and the relationship between them had more than blossomed by this point in the series. Talking of relationships, the love story between Craig and Sophie was absolutely lovely! I loved how it was the solution to the story but the events leading up to the 'I love you' were fantastic! It was so blatantly obvious that the pair loved each other that the Doctor could see it! He teased and dropped hints terrifically. I think many people would be envious of Craig in this episode. He opens the door and then there's the Doctor with £3000 in a paper bag. That's more than enough rent! The Doctor was so barmy in this story and that was just tremendous. I bloody love the Eleventh Doctor and his youth and persona are just outstanding. Hell, he's even awesome at football! To be honest, I didn't like the football scenes too much despite my absolute love for the beautiful game. The cricket scenes in Black Orchid were much more accounted for than the football ones here. You could have got the effect that the Doctor was better and showing up Craig in better and quicker fashion. Although, hearing a 'Doctor' chant on a football pitch was something unique! The Time Ship that the Doctor and Craig burst into was of the upmost intrigue. Somebody was trying to build a TARDIS, and by the looks had succeeded! The deaths of the victims increasing the danger to the TARDIS was clever and the localised time loop not affecting the Doctor was brilliant. I loved how the Doctor built a tracking device from non-technological things and man did it look impressive. I thought the scene where the Doctor intentionally banged heads with Craig to give him the data transfer was hilarious and superb. James Corden put forward the shock in terrific fashion and I loved how he'd seen all the faces of the Doctor, and knew of Amy Pond and the TARDIS as if it was natural now. I adored the brief hints at the appearance of the Silents and it wouldn't be revealed what this episode meant, in some regards, until The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon. The linking between the two stories is absolutely excellent and just shows how good the writers are on this brilliant series! A terrific climax with a love story coming full circle. And then there's the continuation of the season arc with the crack appearing once more and Amy finding her own engagement ring in the Doctor's jacket. The mysteries would soon be revealed in the next story, and what a finale it is. But The Lodger served as a superb penultimate episode of the series. 

Rating: 9/10

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